Welcome to our brand new website! We don't have much news for now as our shop isn't quite open yet!
We are getting the keys to the store today and then we have to do the fit out. Hopefully this won't take too long and then we will be ready to sell you our wares. And what fine wares they are too.
Here's a photo of what the shop looks like at the moment:
We are getting the keys to the store today and then we have to do the fit out. Hopefully this won't take too long and then we will be ready to sell you our wares. And what fine wares they are too.
Here's a photo of what the shop looks like at the moment:

Soon it will look quite different. Well not that much different. There will still be pipes and concrete but there'll be colour and maybe a mural or two and lots of great clothes and accessories to look at.
Check back soon for more news!
Love, Ruck Rover